There is hope.
What is a Community-led Safe Space?
The Lake Mac Safe Space is a ‘drop in’ style space that provides a warm, welcoming environment as a non-clinical alternative to acute clinical services such as an emergency department for people who are experiencing emotional distress or suicidal crisis. People attending the Lake Mac Safe Space are referred to as ‘guests’ rather than clients, consumers or patients.
The Lake Mac Safe Space is staffed by trained volunteer Peer CARE Companions, who have their own lived experience of suicide, and who are best placed to provide compassionate, empathetic support to guests. These peers can connect with others through the mutual understanding that comes with meaningful shared experience.
This model of safe space represents a genuine Tier 4 within the National Safe Spaces Network of Suicide Prevention (5 tiers), for which Standards are soon to be developed.
What are the values of the safe space?
A trauma-informed approach acknowledges the importance of understanding and responding to the impact of trauma, particularly in relation to people’s previous experiences while seeking support.
It is important to remember that the purpose of the Lake Mac Safe Space is to provide a space where the guest is supported to reduce their emotional distress or suicidal thoughts and behaviours in a safe environment. This is achieved by helping them identify their own needs, at their own pace, and engage in activities that they determine will help them, with volunteers’ support.
Having compassionate and capable volunteers with their own lived experience of suicide is fundamental to the Lake Mac Safe Space model. Consideration must be given to the mix of volunteers that provide support to guests within the Lake Mac Safe Space, as well as the processes that support these volunteers.
How can I get involved?
We have launched the first non-clinical suicide prevention safe space in Lake Macquarie. We are currently open one night a week (Mondays, 5.30-9.30pm).
We are seeking expressions of interest from individuals who have a lived experience of suicide to volunteer as CARE companions so we can open additional mid-week evenings.
A lived experience of suicide is having experienced suicidal thoughts, survived a suicide attempt, supported a loved one through suicidal crisis, or been bereaved by suicide.
Training for volunteers will be offered to successful candidates. WWCC and Police Checks will be required for each application.
Contact for more information.